Profit Platform – Set Up Your Site’s Astra Theme

Your Profit Platform site uses a premium, highly-configurable theme called Astra to control some aspects of the ‘look and feel'. While most of the design and layout details of individual pages and posts are best handled using your page-builder, BeaverBuilder, there are some important features you'll want to set up in the Astra settings.

Overview of the Astra Theme

Here's a quick look at where Astra settings are located and some of the things the theme can influence.

Astra – General Settings

In this video, we look at the global settings for the layout of your site. These are important, but usually only need to be set once.
If you're looking for the way to set your website's ‘favicon,' this will help!
NOTE: There is also a setting shown in this video to add a graphic logo if you have one, but this is the second best way to add a graphic logo. The best way is to use the method described in the Beaver Themer lesson. That way, you can better control where and how your logo shows up, depending on whether the user is on a sales page, on the home page, in your shop, or on the blog, for example. Use the graphic logo method in this video only if you are not using Beaver Builder for some reason.

Astra – Page Settings

Once you've established the global settings for Astra on your site, you can manually adjust those settings for each specific page, post, product, etc. Here's a quick look at how: